ICC Kyoto Initiatives > Improving Customer Satisfaction

Improving Customer Satisfaction

Human Resource Development

Aiming to be MICE professionals, ICC Kyoto staff attend meetings, workshops, and seminars both in Japan and overseas to deepen their knowledge of crisis management, facility management, planning and presentation, and customer service, as well as to network and stay
up-to-date on the latest information in the MICE industry. We have a particular focus on cultivating human resources who can collaborate directly with international organizations and overseas organizers, secretariats, and core PCOs.

Cultural experiences

Events such as the first tea ceremony of the New Year in the ICC Kyoto tea ceremony house, Hoshoan, help ICC Kyoto staff become more knowledgeable about traditional Japanese culture.

Tour of traditional industry facilities

In June 2023, we visited the Kawashima Textile Museum run by Kawashima Selkon Textiles, a long-established textile manufacturer in Kyoto that produced the interior decorating and furnishings* of ICC Kyoto.
*Textiles for walls and doors in the main venues of the main building, as well as chair seat surfaces and carpet in the VIP room of
the New Hall

Sustainability training

ICC Kyoto seeks to further staff knowledge of sustainability through activities such as taking a tour of the food recycling facility used by the conference center.

Exchange events

In June 2022, ICC Kyoto invited young staff members from MICE facilities in Kansai (26 people from 7 organizations, including ICC Kyoto) for an opinion exchange and tour of the facilities.